Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life, is not a U-turn

Life is not a U-turn and this is why I blog. I don't do it on a daily basis but I try to blog as often as possible and to remark every single thing, but some are meant to be in the heart.

Today is pretty good, normally I would sleep in the office for an hour or two before 9am because I reach at 7am, but not today, because I drank chicken essence. Anyway, yesterday, 1st of June 2011 is second monthsary for me and hubby, there's no any special celebration but I'm still a happy girl, because he's with me, always and everyday. We sort of had a small argument last night but it's just a super small matter, we settled it calmly and efficiently *ahem* :D Btw, happy 2 monthsary again hubby, I wished you through the phone, through sms, through Facebook, through face to face, and now through my blog. Anything that happened last night, no worries about it, we are learning to be better for each other, couple argue sometimes, that's why being in a relationship is fun, but being in a relationship with you is perfect, because you always make the impossible possibles and you always make me feel very lucky.  People envy us :) Anyway, as usual, my daily routine, work, wake him up, text each other all day and off from work then I'll meet him every night. I love our simple yet lovely life. I posted a picture on Facebook just now and somehow, I came up with this as the caption (I didn't copy it from anywhere, merely my thoughts) which I'm totally in love with and I dedicate this to the love:

I don't want you in my life, I need you in my life
I don't like you, I love you
I don't stay in the past, I live for our future
I don't want us to just be together, I want us to learn from each other
I don't hope for just happy times but miserable ones too as long as we are together 
I don't want us to stay as long as we can, I want us to be forever
We're lovers, but also best friends

Thanks for everything, hubby ♥

True enough, life is never a U-turn, u missed it, u might get a second chance, but that's if you're lucky, if you're not, you just missed it. Cruel but reality. Me, yes me, I'm still learning, in all aspects, and I'm not wanting to be perfect, but just perfect enough for those that matters to me. 

Undeniably, we have hypocrites in life, they smile to you but they backstab you behind, or maybe they spoke to you in a manner that is not-so-polite just because they think they are so damn right. To me, I'll just ignore. I only care about those who matters to me and you can't hurt me in any ways if you're plain nothing, so, keep going on with all your behaviors, I don't even care, but maybe you should sit down and think of better ways to use your 'energy' and contribute or use it wisely? I don't know, it's your life anyway :) But, if your intention is to hurt me, or bring me down, or ruin my relationship with hubby, you can try, really, although I always put a smile on my face, and you might think I'm so easy to bully because I'm petite and sometimes I'm way too silent, try then, you will know you're wrong, wise person fight with words, not actions, and definitely not rude behaviors. And I'm not your ordinary girl-next-door that you can lay your hands on. Renee is not this fragile and weak especially when it comes to protecting herself :) You will need to earn my respect, earn it, not ask for it. But I guess I made a conclusion, some people they will never grow up, that's why they are always at the starting point and never move far. 

That's about it for this post, have a nice day, and stay tuned for my next one :)

P/S: A getaway with my hubby this Saturday, we're spending the night outside, and we will have a great time for sure.


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